Raiqa Veterinary Clinic
Raiqa Veterinary Clinic

Raiqa Veterinary Clinic is a passionate small animal clinic striving for excellent health care with a wide range of health services, preventives, diagnostics & surgeries. We als...
Meet the team

Dr Nuraini Simaa Binti Alway
Compassionate & competent veterinarian to provide quality treatment & healthcare to animals.

Dr Azlinda Binti Meer Mohd Khan
Qualified & professional veterinarian in providing quality healthcare to animals

Nur Aina Mardiah Binti Mohamed Nawi
Veterinary Assistant
Competent & experienced Veterinary Assistant ensuring well-being of patients & providing comfort to their owners

Anis Zahira Binti Azman
Veterinary Assistant
Responsible & passionate in assisting quality veterinary services in emergency & non-emergency settings
Blood Test
Blood test can be used to monitor overall health, screening and help diagnosing your pets' medical conditions.
Boarding your pets at our clinic to ensure your pets receives lodging with care from our expert staffs & veterinarians. Our boarding facilities are licensed & certified by Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) under Animal Welfare Act 2015.
Cat Grooming
Our grooming sevices goes beyond regular brushing session by tackling individual cats' need from basic to full package grooming
A consultation at our clinic is a session to assess & screen your pets's health
Raiqa Veterinary Clinic provide hospitalization facility for your sick pets for treatment and veterinary observation
Our neutering service aid in preventing unwanted pregnancy, unwanted behavioural problems & reduce risk of certain diseases.